all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 3AA 28 0 51.246037 -0.769928
GU11 3AB 30 0 51.246335 -0.770851
GU11 3AD 28 0 51.245981 -0.773984
GU11 3AE 34 0 51.246287 -0.775724
GU11 3AF 22 0 51.245323 -0.774746
GU11 3AG 12 0 51.244945 -0.77384
GU11 3AH 16 0 51.246489 -0.776331
GU11 3AJ 18 0 51.243607 -0.775695
GU11 3AN 22 0 51.243209 -0.7789
GU11 3AP 26 0 51.24292 -0.783077
GU11 3AQ 7 0 51.244542 -0.773965
GU11 3AR 2 0 51.242066 -0.784185
GU11 3AS 15 0 51.243959 -0.7758
GU11 3AT 14 0 51.243661 -0.778412
GU11 3AU 18 0 51.242508 -0.779793
GU11 3AW 2 0 51.242569 -0.780633
GU11 3AX 19 0 51.2427 -0.775833
GU11 3AY 18 0 51.242109 -0.780333
GU11 3AZ 7 0 51.242227 -0.78129
GU11 3BA 16 0 51.242417 -0.782316